Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My three-eyed blog still exists here on Blogger!  Despite Google's "New Blogger" dashboard. 

News?  Diverting factoids?  Rants? 

Not much today; but I did find a nice blog by an apparently mammary-obsessive girl (girl?) who styles herself "samuraifrog".  (Maybe it's a guy?)  "Electronic Cerebrectomy" is, I think, her blog's title. 

What's so attractive about her blog?  Let me count the ways....

  1. Her photos & self-portraits - beautiful visage & some oddball humor.
  2.  She has a "100 Favorite Playboy Playmates" entry - hard not to take a peek at that.
  3. She follows a lot of the same blogs I do - such as -
  • Random Acts of Geekery
  • Booksteve's Library
  • "Hooray for Wally Wood!"

 and so on. 
     4.  But most importantly, she's a Star Trek aficionada - and gives useful commentary as she DVD's her way through the episodes of the canon....  DS9!  Voyager!  and so on. 

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